domingo, 16 de julio de 2017

Thutmosis IV

Hathor, Mistress of the western desert
- Anubis on his hill
- Hathor, Mistress of Thebes, Lady of the sky, Mistress of the Double Lands
- Osiris-Khentyamentiu
- Hathor, Mistress of Thebes, Lady of the sky, Mistress of the Double Lands (.Notice that the goddess's head had been cut away then it was able to be put back in place.
Underneath the scenes is the same arrangement of of coloured bands.
Eighth king of the 18th Dynasty, Thutmosis IV had a short reign, of about 9 years (approx. 1419-1410 B.C.). He inherited a country of which his two predecessors, his grandfather Thutmosis III and his father Amenhotep II had made a vast soundly controlled empire. The king will break with this warlike tradition while preferring a diplomatic policy of alliance. Thus he will marry a Mitanian princess and found a period of peace with this ancient enemy of Egypt by this marriage.
The king seems to have been more concerned than his predecessors in the question of religion and in particular the relationship between royalty and the solar divinity. It is also thought that he could be a precursor of the renewal of the solar theology which his successors Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton) would later developed. This wouldn't stop him from being an enthusiastic zealot of Amon, for example, the construction of a columned court in the temple of Karnak.

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